Membership in the church of Christ is like unto three men who were young, naive, and smitten with love. They
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Discipleship, scholarship, and faith
Membership in the church of Christ is like unto three men who were young, naive, and smitten with love. They
Continue readingA number of philosophers (Martin Heidegger, Hubert Dreyfus, and others) argue that there are two basic “ways of being,” or
Continue readingLast week, Terryl Givens published an article on Faith Matters entitled, “Can Stronger Faith Emerge From The Crucible Of Doubt?”
Continue readingIn my previous post, I spent a great deal of time steel-manning the social justice movement. In this post, I
Continue readingIn this article, I’m going to do something that goes against every inclination I have: I’m going to try to
Continue readingWhat follows is a collection of my thoughts as I was preparing for to teach Sunday School today. Basically, I
Continue readingThis article includes some conceptual contributions from Nathaniel Givens. Recap Part 1. We briefly explored how the Restored Gospel emphasizes
Continue readingRecap Part 1. We briefly explored how the Restored Gospel emphasizes the importance of divine embodiment and what that might
Continue readingRecap Part 1. We briefly explored how the Restored Gospel emphasizes the importance of divine embodiment and what that might
Continue readingThis is a talk prepared for sacrament meeting on 9 June, 2019. Today, I want to share with you some
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