Jeffrey Thayne 3. Pain that Results from Non-moral Causes Much of human suffering simply cannot be attributed to moral agency;
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"I Am the Way … Unless You Find a Better One"
Occasionally I have heard comments from people that reflect a misunderstanding of the Savior’s teachings about repentance and forgiveness. In
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Jeffrey Thayne 2. Pain that Results from Sin In the first post of this series, I discussed how the existence
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The Benefits of Sin?
The Savior spoke parables in order to teach eternal truths. The Bible Dictionary points out that “the application of a
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Jeffrey Thayne Truman Madsen, a Latter-day Saint and a philosopher, said that for some “the most staggering objection to belief
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Jeffrey Thayne Hammer and screw. A tool is much more effective when you know how to use it right, including
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