Nathan Richardson How can people believe that an infant is born sinful? Well, given certain premises, it can be a
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Metaphors that Confuse the Same-sex Attraction Debate
Jeffrey Thayne Recap: In my previous post, I discussed how language can sometimes mask alternative ways of understanding and interpreting
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Nathan Richardson Recap: My friend wouldn’t pray about the Book of Mormon because it was hard for him to trust
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Jeffrey Thayne  Recap: In my previous post, I said that I appreciate Jeffrey Robinson’s account of same-gender attraction for
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Nathan Richardson Come listen over my shoulder to my online chat with a friend as we discuss praying to know
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Jeffrey Thayne People often talk about same-sex attraction as though there were only two possible ways of explaining it, but
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Jeffrey Thayne When a need presents itself, we have a choice of how to respond. In my previous post (Resisting
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In a previous post (I Can’t Know Until I See), I explained that the phrase “perfect knowledge” as used in
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Jeffrey Thayne In my last post, I talked about the difference between Martin Buber’s “I-Thou” and “I-It” relationships, and how
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Nathan Richardson The phrase “perfect knowledge” is used fifteen times in the scriptures. Sometimes it just means “knowing a lot
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