A friend of mine, fed up with the constant, gradual abandonment of freedom by American society and the encroachment of
Continue readingMonth: December 2012
Calendar curriculum: ick!
I’m currently reading The One World Schoolhouse by Salmon Khan, the founder of the Khan Academy. The Khan Academy started
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The Goal of Rogerian Therapy
It would actually be unfair to say that Rogerian therapy has a “goal,” except to help individuals live fully functional
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I was reading in Moroni 9, and came upon this interesting passage: “we have a labor to perform whilst in
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The Therapy of Carl Rogers
In this series, I would like to discuss the contributions of Carl Rogers to our modern-day worldview. As far as therapists
Continue readingIs Church Policy Unfair?
In its fantastic new webpage, the LDS church has clearly outlined its doctrine regarding same-sex attraction and same-sex activity. People
Continue readingMetrics of Value
Recently, I’ve heard more and more members of the church wonder at why women don’t hold the priesthood, or why
Continue readingA non-Progressive View of History
I think that the modern age is often pretty arrogant about its relationship with earlier times. We seem to assume
Continue readingDoing No Good
I just wanted to share a thought I had while reading Moroni 10 today. If the day cometh that the
Continue readingAgainst Self-discipline
What does the word disciple mean? It means, “pupil, student, follower,” and comes from the word that means “to learn.” In
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